Friday, July 14, 2006

Branding – How to Set Yourself Apart

“In today’s wild, wired world, you’re distinct… or extinct. Survive, thrive, triumph by becoming Brand You!” – Tom Peters

If you want to make an impact, you have to stand out from the crowd. You have to carve a niche out for yourself and be noticed as what Tom Peters calls it, Brand You.

How does one develop a “Brand” the likes of Oprah or Kiyosaki? It’s definitely much more than a logo, tagline or for some, their eccentricities, or even ideas.

Personal branding, to me, is more about our passion, our strengths and our values, and how we communicate that successfully in a consistent and unique fashion.

Take Robert Kiyosaki, one of my mentors. He’s made a name for himself with his EBSI quadrant and Cashflow concepts. If you look at his series of books, they have the same identity and feel to it, with his key ideas and concepts flowing through all of them. (Not that I have read all, it just appears that way to me!)

If you want to be a trainer that stands out from the crowd, Personal Branding is something you absolutely must pay attention to. Spend time to analyse and understand your own unique attributes – and all of us are unique! Think about what your strengths could be, what you feel absolutely passionate about, what keeps you awake at night (not your spouse!), what you would love to leave as a legacy for future generations, and so on.

If you say you can’t come up with anything, then perhaps training is not a career you should be looking at!

Next step is to think of the most effective method of communicating Brand You. More coming up in the segment…


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